generative audio installation, 2021/24
2,5m cube, latex foil, motors
with Leo Peschta
The sea is an auditive and visual sculpture, configured as an open, never repeating process of audio waves.
An elastic latex foil is stretched between 4 linear axes driven by stepper motors dividing the space in 3 dimensions. The shape of the sculpture relates to generative processes connected to a DSP-audio platform and the scheduler for the motor movement on the 4 axes of the cube.
The Sea is an extraction of a complex natural phenomenon resulting in an artificial emulation, developing a life-form of its own. Like the ‘real’ sea as an endless repetition of waves, a natural system which results in complex variations over time, it follows the impact of an immersive state, leading to a dystopian vision of an artificial generator. The combination of the stretched foil and the evolvement of the sound result in a highly dynamic, but only seemingly chaotic system, able to generate associations that range from the swell of the ocean to a science-fiction setting. But it should also enable the viewer to perceive the latex foil for what it actually represents - a vibration floating in space.
documentation at Kunstverein ve.sch, photos by Martin Vesely